It's a couple of weeks since my birthday. I was wondering how it would feel. I found myself, before the event, to my slight astonishment, looking forward to it and feeling mischievous. As though we baby boomers are given our bus passes as some sort of mistake. My gran was an old lady at fifty - yet, for me, sixty feels barely middle aged. Middle aged sounds stodgy. I hope never to reach stodgy.
In the event it feels like a portal to an new stage of life which has a sense of openness and freedom about it. I feel freed, too, by Amrita's example. She didn't let herself be constrained by boundaries, by the expected. How silly to be still looking over my shoulder. Can't be doin' with that. There's no time to be timid. Too much to do, both the serious and that which is delight and fun.
Happy Belated Birthday! I turned 50 a few months ago and was astonished at how old I felt. I hope to feel younger by the time I'm 60:)
I don't think you'll ever feel *stodgy*
Posted by: mahala | Wednesday, 24 May 2006 at 03:17 AM