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Tuesday, 20 June 2006


Daniel Flatley

So glad that you are back and well--we have your site set as one of our home pages, and wondered what had happened after the long lag in posting. Will send prayers and intentions for you and your friend's health and well-being!

Marykaye Flatley
Dauphin, Pa 17018


Many thanks for your kind thoughts. Peter is my husband. He's making progress - slow, but progress. He can put his own socks on now!

Your site is beautiful - I'm glad you've contacted me. A bow and a smile, Sujatin

Caroline Brazier

Wow! I'm so glad to hear you both made it back safely, but also, what kindness. The world is full of wonderful people. Sad it only shows when something awful happens. Much love. Speak with you soon. Namo Amida Bu

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I am a Pureland Buddhist priest, practicing with and teaching the Tree of Life Sangha. Although semi-retired, I still teach on-line and hold Buddhist gatherings (currently using Zoom). I'm a member of Global Sangha. I am a student of Therapeutic Shamanism
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