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Thursday, 02 November 2006



Yosi writes: Thank you so very much for your time, thoughtful, and personal response. My eyes too, are moist as I read your writings and feeling touched by your personal story.

Meanwhile, I will check out Sharon’s book on Faith. It does seem that there are different sects within Buddhism and who may display a different attitude toward the concepts of faith and trust. I tend to agree with your view that faith and trust are fundamental to our psychological well being. Erickson spoke of trust as the first developmental stage in humans.

Feel free to post this dialog on your blog.

With much metta,


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I am a Pureland Buddhist priest, practicing with and teaching the Tree of Life Sangha. Although semi-retired, I still teach on-line and hold Buddhist gatherings (currently using Zoom). I'm a member of Global Sangha. I am a student of Therapeutic Shamanism
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