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Wednesday, 06 February 2008



By interesting coincidence, I just read this same interview (in the latest issue of Oprah's magazine) last night. Parts made me a bit uncomfortable--Oprah repeatedly remarked that "all" the Buddhists she knows are "calm," which only reinforces the myth that you have to "have it together" to be a good Buddhist (or the myth that if you aren't "calm," you must not be practicing "correctly"). Oprah's insistence that Buddhists are "calm" seemed to fly in the face of Pema's insistence that practice about embracing the present moment, whatever it looks like.

But I loved Pema's remark about one of her children asking how she reconciled her practice with her tendency to get uptight about things. It's not about making yourself calm; it's about being aware of whatever you're experiencing, even if that experience is "uptight."

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I am a Pureland Buddhist priest, practicing with and teaching the Tree of Life Sangha. Although semi-retired, I still teach on-line and hold Buddhist gatherings (currently using Zoom). I'm a member of Global Sangha. I am a student of Therapeutic Shamanism
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