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Wednesday, 06 August 2008


Simon Brunning

There's not much Twitter specific about this, really. It's the site that the link points at that's malicious, and there are *loads* of places that host URLs - delicious, reddit, dig, millions of them.

Don't get *too* complacent about Macs. I'm not aware of any Mac malware in the wild at the moment, but it's not impossible.

Course, the fact that the Mac asks you before running anything that comes from the 'net does mean that if you are careful and don't just click "OK" on dialog boxes without reading them, you should still be OK. But care is still needed.

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I am a Pureland Buddhist priest, practicing with and teaching the Tree of Life Sangha. Although semi-retired, I still teach on-line and hold Buddhist gatherings (currently using Zoom). I'm a member of Global Sangha. I am a student of Therapeutic Shamanism
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