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Wednesday, 09 June 2010



Hmmm. Since my general rule is that anything the Daily Mail says is wrong, how is this a good thing?

Forever Flu

What took you so long? No-one would wish this on themselves because CFS/ME/fibro doesn't kill you so it is a poor form of willful suicide anyway. At least suicidal depressed people have the energy to fulfill their death wish.

I find it so disheartening to still find doctors who do not trust the findings of their own patients. I am glad you have done a turnaround and I hope it reflects in a better trust of humanity in general.

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I am a Pureland Buddhist priest, practicing with and teaching the Tree of Life Sangha. Although semi-retired, I still teach on-line and hold Buddhist gatherings (currently using Zoom). I'm a member of Global Sangha. I am a student of Therapeutic Shamanism
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